2024 Garbage Collection
We are in the process of bidding out our trash collection services. We are losing money and must make changes. Bids will be opened June 17th and the Town Council will decide how to proceed.

2024 Skate Park
We continue to raise funds for the proposed Skate Park at the former Gerdon Auto location. We have done much demolition work and look forward to construction beginning. This will be a great addition to our Rice Island Park facility. Grants are actively being pursued.

2024 Water Project
We have already bid out a project to to replace an old 8-inch water main with a new 12-inch water main. This line begins at Cedar Glade, will cross Indian Creek, and end near the entrance to the YMCA. This job must be done in the dry summer months, because we are crossing Big Indian Creek.

2024 Sewer Project
Several sewer projects are planned for this summer. We will be upgrading our Settler’s Trace Lift Station because of growth in that area. We will be replacing some main electrical panels at the old sewer plant on W Poplar ST. We are re-lining some 9,500 feet of original 1939 sewer mains. And we will rehab 87 manholes. Bids for these projects will be opened May 29th.

2025/26 N Capitol AV INDOT Project
INDOT is planning on completely rebuilding N Capitol AV from Walnut ST to the Indian Creek Bridge. The exact timeline is not yet set. This is a State of Indiana Highway, and INDOT oversees this project, and the Town has little input on it. What we do know is that the road will be completely closed to through traffic and will be done in five phases for homeowners to maintain local access. We will try to keep our residents informed.

2026/27 Urban Trails Project
This project is funded 80% by Federal Highway dollars and 20% by the Town. It includes a new 8-foot-wide multi-use path from the Farmers Market north to E Chestnut ST, then east on E Chestnut ST (on both sides of the street) to the Senior Loft Apartments / proposed Skate Park. Preliminary field collection work and engineering drawings are currently in progress. This project will increase walking and biking access in town. Ultimately, we wish to connect with the existing Indian Creek Trail system.