Planning and Zoning

Planning and Zoning Forms
Planning and Zoning
Permits & Signage
The Planning and Zoning Department is responsible for aiding residents in gaining the proper permits for signage and development. This Department is also where you will go to have your case brought in front of the proper Board for an appeal to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning of your property. You will also find forms for a Business License and Historic Preservation Requests on this page.
Business License Application
If you are a business operating within the Town Limits of Corydon, you will need a business license within the first 30 days of operation. You will need to renew your business license every year in January.
If you are an existing business, you will need to obtain a business license before May 18, 2023
Building and Sign Permits
Building Permits and Sign Permits are obtained through the Planning and Zoning Office at the Town Hall by contacting Mark Pigg, assistant, or Bruce Cunningham, the Town Manager.
The average turnaround time for a permit is 48 to 78 hours.
Zoning Change Request
Corydon has Seven different Zones. If you need to request a Zoning Change for your property, complete the Petition for a Zoning Change and contact the Planning and Zoning Department.
1. R-1 - Single Family Residence
2. R-2 - Two Family Residence
3. R-3 - Multi-Family Housing
4. B-1 - Neighborhood Business
5. B-2 - Retail Business
6. I-1 - Industrial
7. I-2 - Industrial
All Forms need to be in to the department by the 10th of the month proceeding the Board Meeting
The criteria used by the Planning and Zoning Commission to make their decisions can be found with the button above or by clicking HERE.
To find the current zoning of your property, use the button above or CLICK HERE.
**Note, be sure and click the layers button directly above the map to see the current zoning.
Zoning Ordinance Variance Request
If you need to request a Zoning Ordinance Variance for your property, complete the Petition for a Variance Form and contact the Planning and Zoning Department. We will guide you through the appeals process.
All forms need to be in to the department by the 10th of the month proceeding the Board Meeting.
The criteria used by the Board of Zoning Appeals to make their decisions can be viewed HERE also.
Floodplain Info
If your home is in the floodplain, you will need to contact the Corydon Planning and Zoning Department to see what extra requirements there will be when you build or remodel your home.
Historic District
If you live in the Historic District and you plan to do work to your home or business that will be visible from the street, you need to contact the Planning and Zoning Department before beginning the work.
Planning and Zoning
Contact Information
Town of Corydon, IN
219 N Capitol Ave • Corydon, IN 47112
Phone: (812-738-3958) • Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
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